The other day I was doing an errand at one of our local stores and noticed a Kirkland policeman searching a man by the front door.When I paid for my purchases, the cashier told me the man had been found rifling through the refrigerator in the break room looking for food. I was shocked and saddened that someone would have to resort to doing such a thing to find food. It’s that desperate out there for some people, right in Kirkland’s backyard.
Throughout this month we can help people who are in dire straits by giving to Hopelink in the form of cash or with food donations. The neighborhood challenge contest is a great, fun idea, but should only remind us that there are desperate people who always need our help. Please plan to give during the food drive and during the whole year.
A great book, 54 Ways You Can Help the Homeless, by Rabbi Charles A. Kroloff, offers some simple suggestions to help those who are hungry and in need, including volunteering to help at food banks, carrying fast food certificates and employing the homeless.
As we celebrate this holiday season, let’s not forget those who need us.