Cross Kirkland Corridor, Park Lane construction and other snippets | Jeff Jared

Hurrah for Kirkland Councilman Toby Nixon and Councilwoman Penny Sweet for being the council’s two dissenters opposing the goofy

Hurrah for Kirkland Councilman Toby Nixon and Councilwoman Penny Sweet for being the council’s two dissenters opposing the goofy resolution bashing big corporations by curtailing their ability to contribute to political campaigns and violating free speech rights.

Political contributions are a form of speech. Courts have repeatedly held this. This is settled law.

And hurrah for Eastside TRailway Alliance and Eastside Rail Community company for considering the Cross Kirkland Corridor from a business, even a for-profit, perspective.

With I-405 tolled in the future, might a commuter rail on the corridor be profitable?

And thumbs down for the endless construction going on between the east end of Park Lane and the Peter Kirk ballpark.

When that block is done and the fences down and the construction equipment gone, it will wonderfully integrate downtown with the ballpark again, and the little Japanese restaurant (Dozo Japanese Sushi) on the corner will rock. Sushi and baseball anyone? Hai!

Jeff E. Jared is a Kirkland resident and attorney who writes from a libertarian and law-and-economics perspective.