Don’t destroy a great Kirkland asset | Letter

This is to respond to "Voting for ST3 and ST4" in the July 1 issue. Rather than destroying the ambiance of the Cross Kirkland Corridor, such a worthy asset to the City right now, why not serve the Totem Lake area via Willows Road out of Redmond? See Councilman Toby Nixon's suggestion [during a recent editorial in the Seattle Times].

This is to respond to “Voting for ST3 and ST4” in the July 1 issue. Rather than destroying the ambiance of the Cross Kirkland Corridor, such a worthy asset to the City right now, why not serve the Totem Lake area via Willows Road out of Redmond? See Councilman Toby Nixon’s suggestion [during a recent editorial in the Seattle Times].

“Destroying the ambiance” is not an exaggeration. Those lovely tall trees and greenery now lining the CKC will be completely demolished to make way for the 100-foot wide right-of-way planned for transit.

Kit Meith, Kirkland