Healthy Living | Turning bad eating habits around for your child

It is a sad fact that weight problems and even morbid obesity among children are dramatically on the rise, not just in America but throughout the world. Many youngsters who are overfed are at the same time undernourished.

It is a sad fact that weight problems and even morbid obesity among children are dramatically on the rise, not just in America but throughout the world. Many youngsters who are overfed are at the same time undernourished. Excessive weight gain early in life can potentially lead to other serious health concerns, such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, asthma and also cancer. If your child is facing any of these issues, you must take action at once.

Many parents take comfort in the thought that their kids will eventually outgrow a little extra baby fat, and sometimes that may be the case. However, if a child becomes overweight from excessive consumption of unhealthy foods, drinks and sweets, the weight problems will not disappear with the next growth spurt.

Give your child a healthy start in life

Teaching healthy eating habits to your children from early on is one of the most important investments you can make in their lives. Many habits and preferences develop during early childhood and continue often for a lifetime. But you cannot expect kids to distinguish healthy from unhealthy lifestyle choices by themselves. They follow the example set by adults and older siblings. For parents, this is a short window of opportunity to get it right. When kids reach their teenage years, the chances for parental influence and guidance diminish quickly. So, if you observe your child exhibiting unhealthy behavior, you must try to stop the trend while you still can.

Set the stage for a healthy lifestyle

Healthy living starts in the home. Parents are supposed to lay down the rules for meals and snacking. They supposedly determine what kind of food their kids can find in the fridge or the pantry. They are in charge of scheduling time for exercise and physical activities. Parents are foremost and ultimately responsible for their kids’ health and well-being.

At least while they are young, children will follow the standards set for them. Of course, you can’t expect to maintain control over their environment forever. Once they go off to school and spend more time outside the home, they are exposed to the same onslaught of temptations as the rest of us. Cafeterias, vending machines, coffee shops and fast food places can quickly sabotage all the good efforts that were made on their behalf in the past. But don’t give up and don’t underestimate the lasting effects you can have on young minds, even if it doesn’t show at the present. Most importantly, be a good role model. In other words, live yourself by the rules you set for your kids.

Deal with your child’s weight problems

It can be difficult for parents of an overweight child to talk about weight problems. They may find the subject embarrassing or don’t want to hurt their child’s feelings. Shying away from addressing these issues, however, is never helpful, least of all for the child.

There can be many reasons for weight problems to occur at an early age. Environmental factors, such as a sedentary lifestyle, easy access to food at home and frequent visits at restaurants and fast food places can all contribute to unhealthy weight gain. Family history, genetics and heredity may also play a role and need to be taken into consideration.

Sometimes, parents tend to overreach in response to their child’s weight issues. Most weight loss programs are designed for adults and are not suited for children and their nutritional needs for growth and development. Especially weight loss through fasting and calorie restriction is not recommended for youngsters.

For a diet regimen designed for children, I advocate nutritional quality over calorie restriction. Balanced meal plans with emphasis on fresh fruits and vegetables should be at the center of any weight loss program, and particularly for children. Don’t get discouraged if you encounter initial resistance. Most kids have neither “natural” preferences nor distastes and can love healthy foods as much as they love junk food or candy. When you introduce dietary changes, be patient but also be persistent.

Don’t blame your child

Never make a child feel guilty when you talk about weight issues. This is a delicate subject and needs to be approached carefully. Instead of dispensing blame, consider ways to build a health-promoting and supportive environment where your child can gradually become comfortable with the changes you’re trying to make. As I emphasized earlier, your own behavior as parents and the standards you set for your entire family play a crucial role in your child’s chances for success.

It is never too late

Don’t count on quick results. Like many adults, children with weight problems often face long struggles that can last for a lifetime. Don’t set the mark too high or try to achieve impossible goals. Work towards gradual but lasting differences in your child’s eating and lifestyle habits. Failure and relapses are almost inevitable, but you don’t give up trying.

Timi Gustafson is the author of “The Healthy Diner – How to Eat Right and Still Have Fun®.” Find more tips for living a healthy lifestyle in her book, which is available at local bookstores and at her blog. Visit to read many more articles as well as her Glad You Asked™ Q+A sessions and post your own questions, comments and suggestions.