Kirkland Promise Committee thanks the Kirkland Kiwanis, Kirkland Rotary Club for donation | Letter

The Kirkland Promise Committee, the education committee of the Greater Kirkland Chamber of Commerce thanks the Kirkland Kiwanis and Kirkland Rotary Club's generous donations of $2,000 each to purchase the book "Zero to Five" by Tracy Cutchlow. This book teaches parents and others how children learned based on the academic studies and shares techniques for helping children grow and develop themselves.

The Kirkland Promise Committee, the education committee of the Greater Kirkland Chamber of Commerce thanks the Kirkland Kiwanis and Kirkland Rotary Club’s generous donations of $2,000 each to purchase the book “Zero to Five” by Tracy Cutchlow. This book teaches parents and others how children learned based on the academic studies and shares techniques for helping children grow and develop themselves.

Kirkland Promise has met or communicated by letter with the 117 early childhood providers in the Kirkland area and given several books to each provider. Our goal was threefold: One – expose them to this wonderful parent education book; Two – encourage them to consider enrolling in Early Achievers, the voluntary state evaluation program to improve the quality of early childhood education; and Third – invite them, at no cost, to have their program information posted on the Greater Kirkland Chamber web site in order to make it easier for parents to locate providers. Eighteen have asked to be a part of this list and we expect more will join in the future.

Books were also distributed to Attain Housing and Hopelink, several churches, and the balance have been donated to the Early Childhood Education Department of Lake Washington Institute of Technology.

The committee made contact with providers and got a better understanding of the mix of providers, the majority of whom are home based. For many we could not get face to face meetings scheduled so we dropped off a letter with two books and asked them to call us if they have any questions.

Thanks for all the work both clubs do for the youth of our community. The fabric of our community is made stronger and more vibrant by Kirkland Kiwanis and Kirkland Rotary members’ good deeds.

The Kirkland Promise Committee and the Kirkland Chamber are strong advocates for the addition of early childhood education for ages three and four to the definition of basic education in the State of Washington. Studies show for every one dollar invested there is a return to society of seven dollars in more students graduating from high school and pursuing post-secondary education, more graduating from post-secondary education, fewer involved in the criminal justice system, fewer on welfare, more earing higher salaries, and more involved in civic and charitable activities. This is a win for all of us and economic development with a high return.

Walter R. Krueger, Kirkland