We have given the national media power to control our choices for president. Yet The Detroit News, who endorsed Republicans for the past 143 years; the Richmond Times-Dispatch, the hometown newspaper of Democratic Vice-presidential candidate Tim Kaine; and the Chicago Tribune, President Obama’s hometown paper, all endorse Libertarians Gary Johnson/Bill Weld. But the national print, talk, TV media tell us we have only Trump and Hillary as choices.
There are 62 percent of Americans and 82 percent of young voters who want Johnson/Weld in the debates. More young voters (the future) support Johnson than Trump or Hillary. Johnson ties Trump to lead all military voters. Forty percent of new voters are registering independent and Johnson wins among them. Yet the Democrat-Republican-controlled Presidential Debate Commission set arbitrary old-school standards that exclude Libertarians (on the ballot everywhere).
The unifying trend in our country is toward libertarianism. The national media surely intend that as their post-election story. Take control now.
If Johnson/Weld wins even a few states, they can win the election.
Remember: A government that can legislate for your personal or financial interests can legislate against them. Acceptance of this unites us. Will Hillary or Trump? The first debate proved we need their voice.
Mary Maas, Kirkland