Reelect Roger Goodman | Letter

Representative Roger Goodman deserves our vote for reelection because he is a highly effective legislator for public safety, judicial issues, and the environment. This last legislative session alone, he was the prime sponsor for 32 bills and a secondary sponsor for nearly 200 bills.

Representative Roger Goodman deserves our vote for reelection because he is a highly effective legislator for public safety, judicial issues, and the environment. This last legislative session alone, he was the prime sponsor for 32 bills and a secondary sponsor for nearly 200 bills.

Many people know Roger Goodman best by his success with combating drunk driving. Roger crafted a series of measures that prevent drivers convicted of DUI’s from driving drunk, and he has been recognized nationally by MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) for his innovative work.

This past summer, Roger was appointed to Washington State’s Legislative Task Force on Law Enforcement Use of Deadly Force and elected co-chair . This Task Force represents a proactive effort to address community concerns and to recommend ways to reduce violent interactions between law enforcement and the public. Representative Goodman is taking on this difficult issue to help build trust between local police and members of the public.

This November, I’ll vote to reelect Roger Goodman. I hope you’ll do the same.

Ken Albinger, Kirkland