What does Cassandra Sage want for the students in the Lake Washington School District (LWSD)?
She advocates for certified technical/vocational classes, more STEM opportunities, more inclusion of special education students and more college prep help.
What are her qualifications and dedication to public service?
Cassandra has a degree in early childhood education and a certificate in Montessori studies.
She has shown her dedication to public service in the following ways:
• 22-year PTA and parent volunteer, LWSD
• 15-plus-year family adviser, Seattle Children’s Hospital
• 15-year Cub Scout den leader
• Five-year director and teacher of Montessori preschool
• Three-year teacher of Montessori kindergarten (all subjects)
• Three-year teacher multi-age Montessori first through third grades (social studies/pro-diversity curriculum)
For more information on this great candidate: https://www.cassandrasage.com/
I encourage you to join me in supporting Cassandra Sage for Lake Washington School Board, Position 3.
Geraldine Duzenack