Thumbs up to Northwest University students for ‘Kleaning Kirkland’, down to construction work at Juanita Beach Park

Thumbs up to the groups of Northwest University students who spent their afternoon on Saturday “Kleaning Kirkland” and planting flowers around several park signs. Liliya Semenyuk, who is getting ready to graduate with a degree in Biology and Intercultural Studies, organized the volunteer event to give back to her community.

Thumbs up to the groups of Northwest University students who spent their afternoon on Saturday “Kleaning Kirkland” and planting flowers around several park signs. Liliya Semenyuk, who is getting ready to graduate with a degree in Biology and Intercultural Studies, organized the volunteer event to give back to her community.

Thumbs up to those who helped to rebuild Leonid Milkin’s basement on Saturday. Also, thumbs up to the Kirkland Rotary that donated money needed for the garage permit, to the Construction Industry Training Council’s carpentry apprentices for making preparations for the door hanging, and to Frank Lumber, which donated all the doors for the basement.

Thumbs up to Ben & Jerry’s in downtown Kirkland for serving up some free ice cream on Tuesday.

Thumbs up to Kirkland resident Stu Clark who was spotted fixing up the Crestwoods’ trail on Saturday. Thank you!

Thumbs up to Kirkland resident and renowned artist Petronella Fursman for her many years of dedication to the Kirkland Artist Studio Tour on Mother’s Day weekend.

Down …

Thumbs down to the construction work at Juanita Beach Park. Residents expected the park to open this spring and will now have to wait until summer. We already gave up one summer – come on, already!

Thumbs down to the Kirkland City Council for still not having a code of ethics.

Thumbs down to the Bothell man who robbed two men at gunpoint and burglarized a Kirkland home and the Kingsgage Library. Why would anyone stoop so low to steal a donation box?

Thumbs down to those who only give to promote themselves. Try giving from the heart.

Thumbs down to the individual who proceeded to do exactly what they were criticizing others not to do:  namely, thoughtlessly following lock step with the talking points of one political party. The current tax rates that they talk about are scheduled to expire and revert back to the original higher rates. Thus, the Republican party’s efforts to get them extended certainly is going to cost the federal government a great deal of money that they can ill afford to spend frivolously now. Talk about twisted logic!

The Reporter publishes reader thumbs up and thumbs down on a space-available basis. Send yours to