In the upcoming primary and general election, we need to perform our duty by voting for candidates who have the experience and the will to serve the changing and growing needs of our community. Simply checking a box and re-electing an incumbent is not always the best choice. I urge you to vote for Ramiro Valderrama for the State House of Representatives.
Ramiro will deliver, in Olympia, the knowledge, experience and ideas that he has successfully demonstrated to address some of our most important needs in:
Growth and Environment Balance: Our communities are growing very fast. It is time for Olympia to take a full review of the Growth Management Act (GMA) The GMA was written before newer cities began their rapid growth. Among the needs is that the GMA does not take into account the infrastructure and service deficit.
Ramiro also knows that we need to make sure we are also sensible to the environment while also protecting property owners. What it comes down to is “sustainable growth”. Growing our cities while being respectful to our environment and property owners.
Education: Ramiro believes in education choices for the children in the district. 80 percent of our district voted for charter schools. Ramiro knows that there is no “one size fits all” when it comes to learning, we need to build upon the pupil’s strength.
Transportation: Ramiro believes that the 405 tolls are regressive and hinders true movement. He would work to eliminate those. Ramiro knows how smaller communities also need to develop cost effective and efficient local mass transportation.
Please make sure you vote Ramiro – for our future.
Mike Grady,Sammamish