Many thanks to Michael Radcliffe for speaking out rather than remaining silent about government officials committing offenses against innocent citizens, and congratulations for being part of the solution rather than part of the problem. If only more people would take their duties as citizens as seriously as he does.
If we citizens do not do our jobs as part of our governmental system of checks and balances, then we will deserve what we get: dishonest, parasitical officials and bureaucrats who see us as prey, animals or sheep to be fleeced.
It simply isn’t true that you “can’t fight City Hall”. You can and you should, even though it is difficult and takes lots of time and energy. Just be prepared to lose a few battles. Remember that the race is not always to the swift or the battle to the strong, and hang onto your faith in the ultimate triumph of right over wrong.
And most importantly, pray. Pray for those poor misguided government officials. Try to remember that they too are human beings, loved by God and created in His image, although subjected to sin just as we all are, and have pity and compassion on them. It might also help if people would stop voting for them, but by all means please pray for them. Prayer blesses the one who prays as well as the recipient of the prayer with clearer vision, wisdom and guidance.
Our battle is not physical. It is spiritual and prayer is the most powerful tool/weapon we humans have because only God can change a human heart or deal with sin, which is the cause of all the pain and trouble in this world.
Please pray for our Kirkland police too. They are the ones caught in the middle and taking most of the flak.
Jane E. Peterson, Kirkland