Mighty Redmond Penguins participate in regional aquatics meet

The Redmond Penguins, a Washington State Special Olympics Swim Team, participated in the King County Regional Aquatics Meet at the Weyerhaeuser King County Aquatics Center on April 17.

The Redmond Penguins, a Washington State Special Olympics Swim Team,

participated in the King County Regional Aquatics Meet at the Weyerhaeuser King County Aquatics Center on April 17.

Sixteen athletes, ages 9 to 27, from Redmond, Kirkland, Sammamish and Woodinville swim for the Penguins. Team members Eric Angelo, Johnny Bloxhan, Katie Couch, Masaki Fujitani, Emily Hammond, Kevin Howe, Arthur Hwang, Erin Keim, Megan Kennedy, Megan King, Sarahgene Lock, Sam Luce, Christopher Miller, Drew Patterson, Laura Waugh, and Dylan Zeitlin have worked hard all season long and as a result did a

fantastic job during the meet.

The team was formed in November 2009. Under the direction of Coach Pat Schmitt, of Sammamish, and volunteers Marisa Chang, Kimberly Kripps, Joseph Schmitt, Barbara Hammond, Kelvin Battle, Brian and Tracy Guillen, Ken Pinchiff, Brant Weber, Stephanie Grohs, and Kaitlin Norton, the Penguins train at the Northwest Center Redmond –

Hartman Pool.